for drunks and potheads
This is a review of Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka from Spain. I sampled it in Spain in 2013. It’s a greenish infusion, 50% alcohol, and it didn’t taste like weed.
Okay, 100 proof vodka is nothing new, but this one has apparently been infused with cannabis. Yes. Someone apparently thought that people wanted their vodka to be the same flavor as the stuff they smoked. And so Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka was created.
looking for the leaves
Looking at the bottle, I noticed that this liquid did have a slightly greenish hue. I figured it had to be from the cannabis. It would have been nice had the distillers gone the way of Zubrowka Bison Grass and included a decorative weed leaf in the bottle. But alas they chose not to. Maybe for legal reasons?
looking for the brand
I tried looking up some background info on Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka, but all I could find was the Facebook page of the Rushkinoff brand. It said THE EMPIRE OF RUSHKINOFF:
It had about 2000 followers and seemed to be dormant.
There was a post mentioning the Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka, but it didn’t offer any information:
They referred to it as “exquisite”. And that was it.
Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka doesn’t taste like weed
I was expecting this stuff to smell like weed, but it didn’t. Its smell is that of some ordinary, low-grade vodka. A bit like cleaning alcohol.
As always, I sampled it neat and at room-temperature. And it tasted hot, just hot. In fact it went down like lava. I guess it’s hard to make a 100-proof vodka that tastes smooth. Belvedere Intense did a good job at it. Rushkinoff Cannabis and Callicounis Imperial didn’t.
The aftertaste was a disappointment as well. I found myself looking for some sort of cannabis aroma, but there wasn’t any. It felt generic and cheap.
The bottle design is what it is. On the upside, Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka is relatively affordable: around 12€ for 700ml.
don’t buy this for the taste
If you plan on getting this vodka because you like weed, forget it. If you just need something to get you drunk, then yeah, you could use it. I guess if you’re planning to give someone a novelty gift, Rushkinoff Cannabis vodka might be okay. There will always be people who enjoy the gimmicky “cannabis” angle, and the liquid is even a bit greenish after all.
I guess if I were to drink this again I would try to chill it and mix it with something that has a very strong taste. Not sure with what, though.